
Donate to GICC or SoG

November 1, 2024




Dear friends of the Guemes Island Community Church and Spirit of Guemes,


As the end of the year approaches we ask our Guemes Island community to consider donating towards the upkeep, maintenance and operating expenses of the Community Church complex, now named The Spirit of Guemes.  The SOG has always been more than a place of worship.  It houses a full commercial grade kitchen, used by Soup to Go to provide weekly tasty lunches,  prepare holiday foods in conjunction with our community center, and would serve as an emergency kitchen in the event of any disaster. Many organizations and groups meet weekly or monthly in the rooms available for that purpose. GI Historical Society, special music programs, art shows, poetry reading, story telling, yoga groups are some of the many uses, and we maintain a food bank available to anyone in need of food assistance.  Between the SOG building and the GI Community Center in the wooded area is a labyrinth, a quiet area in which to walk and relax.  The Interfaith Sanctuary holds 9:30 Sunday services with speakers from different faiths and beliefs





David McKibben


Guemes Island Community Church

P.S.  The building will be in need of replacing most of the existing roofing in the next several years. 

Donate Online via Paypal

Donate via Mail or Drop Off:

Guemes Island Community Church
7611 Guemes Island Road
Anacortes, WA 98221

Please indicate what you would like your donation used for i.e.  General GICC Fund, Spirit of Guemes start up account, Pantry, etc.