Guemes Island
Community Church
Founded September 14, 1914
Who Are We?
We are an open and affirming congregation committed to providing a loving, supportive, nurturing space in which to experience the Spirit of Guemes. Our building serves as a gathering place for community meals, meetings, meditation and more. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey you are welcome here.
Covenants of Social Responsibility
To be a church of inclusiveness of all persons, service to our island neighbors, peacemaking and reconciliation, and environmental stewardship of our island and the earth.
All Are Welcome
GICC is an open, inclusive, affirming Congregation acknowledging that differences in people enrich the Congregation giving it energies and capabilities far beyond the simple sum of its parts. We avow a collective and earnest desire to reject all acts of discrimination and stand with those so affected against those who discriminate.
Environmental Stewardship
GICC unabashedly and resolutely believes in protecting and conserving the riches of our Mother Earth. This Covenant is an acknowledgment that all life shares a limited environment that can be, and is, irreparably damaged by human ignorance, carelessness, and indifference. We affirm our role in environmental stewardship through leading by example and by political involvement calling attention to the abusers of our natural resources and insisting they be held accountable.
A Just Peace
GICC is continually questing of a Just Peace defined by the United Church of Christ (UCC) as the “interrelation of friendship, justice, and common security from violence.” This Covenant is a belief that peace is always possible; that non-violent conflict is a normal and healthy reflection of the diversity that leads to growth of both individuals and nations; and that initiatives of friendship and reconciliation from and among the human family can and must transform both interpersonal and international relationships.