Spirit of Guemes
Guemes Island Community Church
No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.
Soup to Go - every Thursday (October-April)
Time: 11:30AM to 12:15PM
Special Service on March 2 - Farewell to Bob and Omi Cummings with stories! (see more on the calendar page)
Time: 9:30AM to 10:30AM
Tuesday, March 4 - Ralph Mendershausen will share a slideshow on his and Ann's recent trip to today's Cuba and Cuba's birds.
Time: 7PM to 8PM
Our Vision
To be a church of inclusiveness of all persons, service to our island neighbors, peacemaking and reconciliation, and environmental stewardship of our island and the earth.
One: In a spirit of hope, thanksgiving, and acceptance…
All: We covenant with God to respect each other by accepting our differences. We further covenant to care for each other in our joys and sorrows, inviting the Spirit of Christ to act within us, wherever we may be on our journey of faith. AMEN!
Join us Sundays at 9:30 AM
Every Sunday the Guemes Island Community Church curates a unique and enriching experience by featuring diverse speakers. With a commitment to fostering an inclusive and thought-provoking environment, the church invites individuals from various backgrounds to share their insights, wisdom, and perspectives. This new tradition ensures that each Sunday morning brings fresh ideas, inspiring messages, and a sense of unity to the congregation and visitors alike.
Luminary display on Christmas Eve (2017) for a candle light service.
Host an Event!
The Guemes Island Community Church warmly opens its doors to the local community, offering event spaces for various gatherings. Whether it's a social gathering, workshop, or community event, the church provides a welcoming and inclusive venue for all. There is no fee for using church facilities; however, donations are much appreciated.
To schedule an event call 360-293-5515 or email us at spiritofguemes@gmail.com.
Land Acknowledgment
We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional territory of the Samish People, who have lived in the Coast Salish region for thousands of years. We understand that their identity and richness of culture are deeply connected with the mountains, valleys, waterways and shorelines that surround us all. We strive to nurture our relationship with indigenous peoples, especially our neighbors, by joining their efforts to work for social justice and stewardship for this land. We honor our relationship with all of our Coast Salish neighbors and our shared responsibilities to their homeland where we all reside today.